
For Consumers

Your Rights Explained
Your Rights Explained

YOUR RIGHTS EXPLAINED GOODS Right to Quality Goods When you buy an item it must: Be reasonably suitable for the purposes for which it

Consumers FAQ
Consumers FAQ

FREQUENTLY Asked Questions Q: Who is CGSO A: The Office of the Consumer Goods and Services Ombud (CGSO) is the consumer goods and services

Before You Complain
Before You Complain

Before you complain to us: Please note we do not deal through lawyers, legal assistants or insurers. We deal with individual consumers as defined


The Participant (as data subject), by clicking, hereby confirms that the personal information inserted herein is true and correct and further consents to the processing  of personal information as required by CGSO’s participant’s processes and procedures, and further confirms that: (1) the personal information is supplied voluntarily, without undue influence from any party and not under any duress; (2) the personal information which is supplied herewith is mandatory for the Purpose and that without such personal information, CGSO will not be able to process Participant’s registration for subscription and billing. For more information on how CGSO will use your personal information, please review our privacy policy by clicking here.