The Process

Complaints Handling Process of CGSO

Note: In terms of our industry Code, the CGSO has 60 business days within which to resolve a complaint. We therefore ask you to be patient as we have a very high complaints load.
  • Step 1

    Complaint Received

    Once we receive the completed complaint form with all the supporting documents from you, we will acknowledge receipt and provide a reference number. This reference number should be used in all communication with us.
  • Step 2

    CGSO Jurisdiction Assessed

    We will then assess the complaint to establish whether we are the correct Ombud to deal with it or if the complaint meets the other jurisdiction tests. If we are not the correct Ombud or the complaint is outside our jurisdiction for other reasons, we will let you know why. We will also let you know who may be able to help you further.
  • Step 3

    Referral to Supplier

    If your complaint belongs with us, it will be allocated to an administrator who will then contact the supplier to request that they try and resolve the complaint directly with you within the first 15 business days. If the matter is not resolved by the supplier during this time, they will inform us accordingly and provide us with a formal response to the complaint and explain why it could not be resolved.
  • Step 4


    We will assess the complaint and the supplier’s response and we may ask either party for more information if we need it. We will then weigh up the evidence provided, taking into consideration the rights and obligations set out in law and what is fair, reasonable and practical. If your complaint is straightforward, your administrator may try to facilitate a resolution between you and the supplier or we may close your complaint at this stage if our assessment shows that there is not a chance of you and the supplier reaching an amicable resolution.
  • Step 5


    If your complaint is complex or if an agreement has not been reached, your complaint will be allocated to an adjudicator who will review all the information and make an independent decision on the complaint outcome, based on the evidence and information provided. however, because we are an alternative dispute resolution agent, we do not have enforcement powers which means that neither you nor the supplier is compelled to accept our decision.
  • Step 6

    Recommendation/Assessment and Closure

    Once the final decision is made, an assessment or recommendation is sent to you and/or the supplier depending on the matter. After the assessment or recommendation is sent, the complaint is then closed if you and the supplier reach a settlement.

    If your complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction or we conclude that there is no reasonable probability of the parties resolving their dispute through the process provided for, you may approach The National Consumer Commission in accordance with section 71 of the Consumer Protection Act alternatively, you may seek legal assistance.


The Participant (as data subject), by clicking, hereby confirms that the personal information inserted herein is true and correct and further consents to the processing  of personal information as required by CGSO’s participant’s processes and procedures, and further confirms that: (1) the personal information is supplied voluntarily, without undue influence from any party and not under any duress; (2) the personal information which is supplied herewith is mandatory for the Purpose and that without such personal information, CGSO will not be able to process Participant’s registration for subscription and billing. For more information on how CGSO will use your personal information, please review our privacy policy by clicking here.